Saturday, June 30, 2012

Logging your stuffs, and prepared for rollback

Today, the reality of research teaches me a lesson...
Few weeks ago, I began to split the data into a number of fragments, and distributed them on different machines. Yesterday, I finished the code which could combine the separated data into one and perform the final step. It seems pretty good, but it is not... As it has been so long since the date I setup the first step, some critical configurations I made has became blurred. I suppose to remember those simple numbers which parsed into my programs, but it has been to late to correct me.
I lost about 20% of the data, which may need another few weeks to recover.
So, I suggest that, every one should keep a simple log, to record some crucial information you may need in the future, such as what/when/how you have done. Even it is not exact you need, it could help you to remember at least.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

How to create a program to handle HUGE data?[0]

In the past few weeks, I was working on a project that need a program to "handle" millions of files. The verb, "handle", here means to download millions of html files from remote server, parse the html to find interested URLs and texts,  download images pointed by the URLs and organize all the files in a 3-level hierarchy.
In the following posts, I will discuss what I have suffered during the development, what I have applied to the system, and what I want to do but have not done yet. All the topics which gonna be covered can be classified into two categories, design philosophy and  design pattern.

... to be continued...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012




Saturday, June 23, 2012

Maximal matching of bipartite graph

Bipartite graph is such a graph, whose nodes could be divided into two sets, X and Y. Any node in either X or Y does not connect to the other node in the same set. Any edges connect one node in X and one node in Y. Given a bipartite graph, G, M is a subset of the edges in G. If any two edges do not connect to the same node, we call M is a match. In addition, if M contains the maximal number of edges, M is a maximal match.
There are mainly two methods to find maximal matching, max flow algorithm and Hungarian algorithm. Hungarian algorithm use the idea behind max flow algorithm, but simplified the max flow algorithm based on the properties of bipartite matching and improve the performance.
Before we read those algorithm, another definition need to be clarified, augmenting path. If P is the path that connects two unmatched nodes, and the nodes in M and not M appear alternately, then we call P is a augmenting path on M. Then we could generalize 4 conclusions as follows:
  • The length of P must be odd; the first edge and the last edge should not belongs to M;
  • All the odd number edges are not in M, and all the even number edges are in M;
  • A bigger match M` could be found by “invert” P. Here, “invert” means put all odd number edges into M, and remove all even number edges in P from M. So there must be one more match.
  • M is the maximal match, if and only if, there is not augmenting path in G;
So the key to solve the max flow algorithm is finding the augmenting path. The basic steps are as follows:
Initialize the Maximal Match, MM, as null;
while( augmenting path exists )
    Add the augmenting path into MM;
The main idea of the algorithm above is keeping searching augmenting paths, which could increase the number of matching. In matching problem, augmenting path looks like a zigzag. If the first edge of a graph does not in match, its second edge should be in, and so on. If we could invert the selection of matches, we could find one more match legally.
Further Properties:
  • Minimal covering: find the minimal set of node, m, and make each edge connects to an arbitrary node in m. So,
            minimal covering = the maximal matching
  • The minimal path covering = |N| – maximal match.
Use minimal number of unoverlapping edges cover all the nodes in the graph, G. We could build up a bipartite model. All the nodes are divided into two sets, X and Y. If there is a edge i->j, then we add edge(i->j`). If the maximal match is m, then the result is n-m;
  • Max independent set = (node number) – (bipartite maximal  match)
In a graph which have N nodes, we select m nodes, and each pair of the m nodes are not connected. Then find the maximal m. If G satisfies bipartite, then we could use bipartite matching to find result, as the minimal path covering = |N| – maximal match

Friday, June 22, 2012

Running on linked list :)

As a widely used data structure in both academia and industrial, linked list is a critical concept, which often appears in technical interview. In this blog, I will not show the basic implementation of LL. You may found it in your textbooks. However, few advanced questions in bird view are presented. By analyzing those questions, I hope you could build up a scene that how to manipulate linked list and some properties of LL.
Question 1: find the last K node of a given linked list;
Suppose you have a singly linked list L, please return the last K node in the list.
Solution: this problem is trivial. We could define two pointers, p1 and p2. We move p1 to the K-th node in the list and then move both pointers to the end node concurrently. Once p1 reaches the end, p2 points to the last K-th node.
Question 2: How to detect two linked lists merge or not;
Suppose you have two singly linked list, L1 and L2. Return true if those two lists merge at a arbitrary node; otherwise, return false.
Solution: This question is also trivial. If two lists merge, the end node must be the same. If we go through those two lists and end at the some node, we return true. Otherwise, they do not merge.
The method mentioned above need an assumption, there is no loop in both lists. If there is a loop, the method above will not work. If we could detect whether a loop is in the list, we could have the following generic algorithm to determine the return value.
detect loop
if no loop in both list, compare the end node;
if there are loops, check the node in one loop. If it is also in other loop, then they merge; otherwise, then do not.
Question 3: How to detect loops in a linked list;
Give you a singly LL, detect whether there is a loop in it.
Solution: the answer to this problem is really interesting. We could define two pointer, Fast and Slow. Fast pointer moves two nodes per time and Slow move one step each time. If there is a loop, those two pointers will meet in a position in the loop. In order to make the correctness easier, we assume that the length of the linked is upper bounded. We move the pointers until touch the upper bounder, which could guarantee we wont stop before enter the loop.
If we move this question a little further, how to find the beginning of the loop? Suppose the LL looks as follows:
The speed of those two pointers are 2 and 1. when they meet, if the total length of Slow moved is S, the Fast should have moved 2S. In addition, Fast moved n loops more. If the length of loop is r, we have nr = S. S can be replaced by a + x, the distance between loop enter point and meet point. So we have:
a + x = nr =  ( n - 1 )r + L -  a
a = ( n - 1 )r + ( L - a - x )

( L-a-x ) is the length between the meet point and the next loop enter point. So, if release another two pointers, Slow, at first node and meet point, they must meet at enter point of the loop, as ( n –1 )r will be cancelled by the loop.

Question 4: There is a straight track on the ground. Two robots randomly placed on the track. You need to deploy program on both robots. By executing the same program, they must collide each other.( This is a real interview question from Microsoft Advanced Technology Center in China )
There are four instructions in the instruction set:
  • go left
  • go right
  • check. Return true if the other robot visited current position, otherwise, return false;
  • jump, jump to any position in the program;
Solution: This question is easier than the Question 3. We could write a program like follows:
if(at the position other robots have not reached)
if(at the position other robots have reached)
goto start

The idea of this algorithm is initiative. If one robot found the other one is in front of it( the position visited by the other robot ), it runs faster to catch up.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dynamic programming

Dynamic programming, or DP for short, can be applied on the problems that could be divided into sub problems. The solution of the entire problem can be found by “combing” the solutions of its sub problem. The main steps of DP can be generalized as follows:

  • define the solution;
  • recursively define the solutions from sub solution;
  • calculate the solution, from bottom to the top;
  • generate a solution based on the sub-solutions.

There are two key points needed to be clarified, before applying DP. The first is optimal substructure and the other one is overlapping sub problems.

  • Optimal substructure, means the substructures of a solution must be also optimal;
  • Overlapping sub problem, means the sub problems, when we recursively decompose the problem, may not be always new problems. For example, some problems may need to be calculated many times. If we could store the result of it, then we could just lookup the result, instead of recalculating. In another world, DP is a method which uses space to reduce time.

Now, let us check a typical DP problem, longest common subsequence(LCS). If you do not know LCS, please Google it.

Suppose there are two string, Xm={x1, x2, x3, …, xm} and Yn={y1, y2, y3, …, yn}. Zk={z1, z2, z3, …, zk} is the X`s, or Y`s, LCS. The elements in LCS need to be in the same order, but not continuous.

Then we could find three properties as follows:

  • if xm-1 == yn-1, then zk-1 = xm-1 == yn-1, and zk-1 is a LCS of Xm-1 and Yn-1;
  • if xm-1 != yn-1, and zk-1 != xm-1, Z is the LCS of xm-1 and Y;
  • if xm-1 != yn-1, and zk-1 != yn-1, Z is the LCS of yn-1 and X;

A recursive solution could be obtained as follows. Suppose c[m][n] denotes the length of the LSC of X[1:m] and Y[1:n].

          / 0, if i<0 and j<0; // case 1 
c[i][j] = | c[i-1][j-1]+1, if i, j >=0 and xi==yj; // case 2
\ max( c[i][j-1]m c[i-1][j] ), if i, j>=0 and xi!=yj; // case 3

After we execute the function above recursively, we could found the length of LCS at c[m][n]. If we want extract the LCS, we need to define anther matrix, D, to store the direction of how each state transited, and define 3 three directions.

  • If D[i][j] holds direction 1, denoted as image, we move next position at D[i-1][j-1];
  • If D[i][j] holds direction 2, denoted as image, we move next position at D[i-1][j];
  • If D[i][j] holds direction 3, denoted as image ,we move next position at D[i][j-1];

Those three directions correspond to the conditions in the case 2 and 3 in the function. A trace back function as followed could be used to print the LCS. Suppose b is one string, X is the direction map and (i, j) is the index of X.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012







f[i][v][u]=max( f[i-1][v][u], f[i-1][v-a[i]][u-b[i]]+w[i] );





The NASA Space Center, Houston, is less than 200 miles from San Antonio, Texas (the site of the ACM Finals this year). This is the place where the astronauts are trained for Mission Seven Dwarfs, the next giant leap in space exploration. The Mars Odyssey program revealed that the surface of Mars is very rich in yeyenum and bloggium. These minerals are important ingredients for certain revolutionary new medicines, but they are extremely rare on Earth. The aim of Mission Seven Dwarfs is to mine these minerals on Mars and bring them back to Earth.
The Mars Odyssey orbiter identified a rectangular area on the surface of Mars that is rich in minerals. The area is divided into cells that form a matrix of n rows and m columns, where the rows go from east to west and the columns go from north to south. The orbiter determined the amount of yeyenum and bloggium in each cell. The astronauts will build a yeyenum refinement factory west of the rectangular area and a bloggium factory to the north. Your task is to design the conveyor belt system that will allow them to mine the largest amount of minerals.
There are two types of conveyor belts: the first moves minerals from east to west, the second moves minerals from south to north. In each cell you can build either type of conveyor belt, but you cannot build both of them in the same cell. If two conveyor belts of the same type are next to each other, then they can be connected. For example, the bloggium mined at a cell can be transported to the bloggium refinement factory via a series of south-north conveyor belts.
The minerals are very unstable, thus they have to be brought to the factories on a straight path without any turns. This means that if there is a south-north conveyor belt in a cell, but the cell north of it contains an east-west conveyor belt, then any mineral transported on the south-north conveyor beltwill be lost. The minerals mined in a particular cell have to be put on a conveyor belt immediately, in the same cell (thus they cannot start the transportation in an adjacent cell). Furthermore, any bloggium transported to the yeyenum refinement factory will be lost, and vice versa.
Your program has to design a conveyor belt system that maximizes the total amount of minerals mined,i.e., the sum of the amount of yeyenum transported to the yeyenum refinery and the amount of bloggium transported to the bloggium refinery.


The input contains several blocks of test cases. Each case begins with a line containing two integers: the number 1 ≤ n ≤ 500 of rows, and the number 1 ≤ m ≤ 500 of columns. The next n lines describe the amount of yeyenum that can be found in the cells. Each of these n lines contains m integers. The first line corresponds to the northernmost row; the first integer of each line corresponds to the westernmost cell of the row. The integers are between 0 and 1000. The next n lines describe in a similar fashion theamount of bloggium found in the cells.
The input is terminated by a block with n = m = 0.


For each test case, you have to output a single integer on a separate line: the maximum amount of mineralsthat can be mined.

Sample Input

4 4
0 0 10 9
1 3 10 0
4 2 1 3
1 1 20 0
10 0 0 0
1 1 1 30
0 0 5 5
5 10 10 10
0 0

Sample Output



Huge input file, 'scanf' recommended to avoid TLE.

Source: Central Europe 2005




As we could see from this figure. In state i-1, each block, marked by black, may have a N wealth, or W wealth, or both. In iteration i, we need to decide the transportation for the position marked by red and where the blue arrows placed. The red block can either be W or N. Because no matter what we place there, the new result will not bad than the previous one. If we place a W convey path in the red block, the blocks lower than it will be W for sure. Then, we only need to consider the W convey path, from the red block, ends at which block on the right. For example, if the red block points to N, all the path on right should be to N. The only variable here is the path to N, on i-th column, ends at which block. If it ends at K, all the wealth in i-1 to W of top K blocks is omitted. At the same time, K blocks of wealth to N is added to the total wealth. We need to find the value of K and the direction of the red block.

We could write a state transaction formula as follows:

wealth[i] = max( argmaxi<k<width( wealth[i-1] – sum( wealth to N, from i to K ) + sum( wealth to W on i row, from i to K ) ),  argmaxi<k<height( wealth[i-1] – sum( wealth to W, from i to K ) + sum( wealth to N on i column, from i to K ) ) );

Tuesday, June 19, 2012







f[i][v] = max{ f[i-1][v-k*c[i]]+k*w[i] }, where 0<=k*c[i]<=v;

  • 平铺的核心思想就是将物品提前重复,因为第i个物品最多放v/c[i]次,那我们就重复放v/c[i]个物品在可选的物品集合里,这样,虽然物品的数量大了,而且有重复,但我们就能直接用01背包的算法求解了!

  • 2进制编码的核心思想跟十进制转二进制数类似。将第i个物品转化为若干个物品,其中新的价值为w[i]*2^k;新的费用为c[i]*2^k,其中k满足c[i]*2^k<=V。这样,不管我们重复选几个c[i],都会有一个或多个新物品的组合与之对应!并可以轻松的求出c[i]需要的次数!


for i=1..N
for v=0..V



Monday, June 18, 2012



  • 如果放第i个物品,则转化为“前i-1个物品放入容量为v-c[i]的背包中”问题,其价值等于w[i]+f[i-1][v-c[i]];
  • 如果第i个物品不放,则转化为“前i-1个物品放入v的背包中”的问题,其价值等于f[i-1][v];
1:  Backpack( N, v, C, W )  
2:  {  
3:    initialize 2D-array f[N.size][v]  
4:    for i=1 to N.size  
5:    {  
6:      for vv=1 to v  
7:      {  
8:        f[i][vv] = max{ f[i-1][vv], f[i-1][vv-C[i]]+W[i] };  
9:      }  
10:    }  
11:  }  

以上的方法的时间和空间复杂度都是O(VN),但空间复杂度可以优化到O(V)。因为f[i][v]是由f[i-1][v]和f[i-1][v-c[i]]两个字问题推倒而来。只要能保证 f[i-1][v-c[i]]永远读取f[i][v]前面的数据,就能保证用一位数组也能得到正确答案,即将次循环中的v反向遍历。伪代码如下:

1:  Backpack( N, v, C, W )  
2:  {  
3:       initialize 1D-array f[v]  
4:       for i=1 to N.size  
5:       {  
6:          //     as the item i, which has C[i], will not   
7:          //     affect f[0 to C[i]-1]. If it happend,  
8:          //     the index will exceed the lower boundary.  
9:          for vv=v to C[i]  
10:         {  
11:              f[vv]=max{f[vv],f[vv-C[i]]+W[i]};  
12:         }  
13:      }  
14:  }  

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Are you a nerd? No, I am coding ninja!

但我要说我有一个永不背叛的soul mate!
I am a nerd? No, I am coding ninja!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


给你 n 个点,m 条无向边,每条边都有长度 d 和花费 p,给你起点 s 终点 t,要求输出
输入:输入 n , m,点的编号是 1~n,然后是 m 行,每行 4 个数  a,b,d,p,表示 a 和 b
之间有一条边,且其长度为 d,花费为 p。最后一行是两个数  s,t;起点 s,终点 t。n 和 m
为 0 时输入结束。(1

This is a typical shortest path problem. We could solve it with three methods, Dijkstra algorithm, Dellman-Ford algorithm and Shortest Path Faster Algorithm. In the following sections, pseudo codes are listed.

Dijkstra Algorithm:
1:  void Dijkstra( Graph, source )  
2:  {  
3:       //     Initialization  
4:       foreach vertex v in Graph  
5:       {  
6:            //     set the distances to infinity  
7:            dist[v] = infinity;  
8:            //     set each node with no previouse node  
9:            previous[v] = undefined;  
10:       }  
11:       //     source node has no ditance to itself  
12:       dist[source] = 0;  
13:       //     Q is a set that contains all the nodes in Graph  
14:       Q = Graph.nodes;  
15:       //     travse   
16:       while( Q is not empty )  
17:       {  
18:            //      pop a node from Q which has the smallest distance  
19:            //     to the source node  
20:            u = vertex in Q with smallest distance in dist[];  
21:            //     if the nearest node is infinity, there should be no  
22:            //     more nodes coule be updated  
23:            if( dist[u] = infinity )  
24:            {  
25:                 break;  
26:            }  
27:            //     the node should not be update twice  
28:            remove u from Q;  
29:            //     update all the neighbor nodes of current node  
30:            foreach neighbor v of u  
31:            {  
32:                 //     calculte a temp path, which go though current  
33:                 //     u, to v  
34:                 alt = dist[u] + dist_between(u, v);  
35:                 //     if the temp path is shorter, update  
36:                 if( alt < dist[v] )  
37:                 {  
38:                      dist[v] = alt;  
39:                      previous[v] = u;  
40:                      reorder v in Q  
41:                 }  
42:            }  
43:       }  
44:       //  
45:       //     dist[] holds the distance  
46:       //     and previous[] contains the previous node   
47:       //     in a shortest path  
48:       //  
49:  }  

Bellman-Ford Algorithm:
1:  void BellmanFord( Graph, source )  
2:  {  
3:       //     initialize  
4:       foreach vertex v in Graph.vertices  
5:       {  
6:            //     set the initial distance   
7:            if( v is source )  
8:            {  
9:                 // source node is 0  
10:                 v.distance = 0;  
11:            }  
12:            else  
13:            {  
14:                 //     the others are infinity  
15:                 v.distance = infinity;  
16:            }  
17:            //     no previous node in the shortest path  
18:            v.previous = null;  
19:       }  
20:       //     relax the edges  
21:       for i from 1 to Graph.vertices.size-1  
22:       {  
23:            //     update the distance, suppose a path goes  
24:            //     from source and ends at u  
25:            foreach edge uv in Graph.edges  
26:            {  
27:                 u = uv.source;  
28:                 v = uv.destination;  
29:                 //     if the path is shorter than the previous  
30:                 //     path, update  
31:                 if( u.distance+uv.weight < v.distance )  
32:                 {  
33:                      v.distance = u.distance + uv.weight;  
34:                      v.previous = u;  
35:                 }  
36:            }  
37:       }  
38:       //     check the negative-weight cycles  
39:       //     if such cycles exist, the result is worry  
40:       foreach edge uv in Graph.edges  
41:       {  
42:            u = uv.source;  
43:            v = uv.destination;  
44:            // negative circle  
45:            if( u.distance + uv.weight < v.distance )  
46:            {  
47:                 print error;  
48:                 exit;  
49:            }  
50:       }  
51:       return;  
52:  }  

SPFA Algorithm:
1:  void BellmanFord( Graph, source )  
2:  {  
3:       //     initialize  
4:       foreach vertex v in Graph.vertices  
5:       {  
6:            //     set the initial distance   
7:            if( v is source )  
8:            {  
9:                 // source node is 0  
10:                 v.distance = 0;  
11:            }  
12:            else  
13:            {  
14:                 //     the others are infinity  
15:                 v.distance = infinity;  
16:            }  
17:            //     no previous node in the shortest path  
18:            v.previous = null;  
19:       }  
20:       //     relax the edges  
21:       for i from 1 to Graph.vertices.size-1  
22:       {  
23:            //     update the distance, suppose a path goes  
24:            //     from source and ends at u  
25:            foreach edge uv in Graph.edges  
26:            {  
27:                 u = uv.source;  
28:                 v = uv.destination;  
29:                 //     if the path is shorter than the previous  
30:                 //     path, update  
31:                 if( u.distance+uv.weight < v.distance )  
32:                 {  
33:                      v.distance = u.distance + uv.weight;  
34:                      v.previous = u;  
35:                 }  
36:            }  
37:       }  
38:       //     check the negative-weight cycles  
39:       //     if such cycles exist, the result is worry  
40:       foreach edge uv in Graph.edges  
41:       {  
42:            u = uv.source;  
43:            v = uv.destination;  
44:            // negative circle  
45:            if( u.distance + uv.weight < v.distance )  
46:            {  
47:                 print error;  
48:                 exit;  
49:            }  
50:       }  
51:       return;  
52:  }  

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

面向对象编程有感【2】-- Understand SRP and LSP

In this post, I will mainly talk about SRP(Single Responsibility Principle) and LSP(Liskov Substitution Principle) in Object Oriented Programming. As I want to show you something different from the traditional boring textbooks, a simple project is described. You may first examine the requirements and think about how to implement a system to get it done!
Requirement: We need to design a web spider, which could traverse all the web pages rooted from a seed link. There are a number of different types of pages, which need different operation to be performed. In addition, we may have to add more types in the future.

After you reading the simple description above, few design patterns may pop up in your mind, such as factory pattern, responsibility chain pattern, observer pattern, MVC pattern and singleton pattern. Right, all those patterns are designed to assist you in such a scenario. But, when you implement all the patterns together, there may be few mistakes happened. Let us take a look at my code first.
I defined few classes as follows:
  • BaseTask and its subclasses. The base class has few virtual functions, which generalize some common operations needed by each types of page.
  • pObject and its subcalsses. As the data extracted from the pages may have different saving path and preprocessing requirement. pObject opens few virtual functions, such as where to save the data and how to preprocess it. Its derivatives override those functions and properly handle/keep the data. Untitled2
  • The next two classes are Download_Manager and Data_Manager. Download_Manager is the observer to the Data_Manager. Once a new task, which is in form of BaseTask, is added to Data_Manager, Download_Manager will try to pop the task from the task queue and download the page needed by this task. Once the page is downloaded, it will be assigned to the task and the task will return to Data_Manager, where the analyzing is performed. Some new tasks may be initialized and append to Data_Manager during analyzing. Furthermore, Singleton pattern is applied to both managers, so only few interfaces are opened to each other.
The reason why I design like this is that, the only object transferred between managers is BaseTask. So if we want to handle other types of pages, we could just implement another derivative class and push the objects into the task queue. In addition, each task has a “pObject”, which could handle the file path, URL and analyze process.
  • Inside each task object, as we need to open a constant interface to other components, I define a recursive function, called decompose(), which is used to traverse all XML blocks and allow other parts to invoke. The code segment looks like the follows:
1:  void BaseTask::Decompose( QDomElement parentElement )  
2:  {  
3:    QDomNode element = parentElement.firstChild();  
4:    //  
5:    while(!element.isNull())  
6:    {  
7:      int type = this->RightBlock( element.toElement() );  
8:      if( type!=0 )  
9:      {  
10:        Extract( element.toElement(), type );  
11:      }  
12:      Decompose( element.toElement() );  
13:      element = element.nextSibling();  
14:    }  
15:    return;  
16:  }

RightBlock() is used to determine which XML block is needed; Extract() is used to extract the information in the XML block. Each derivative class will override those two functions, and then, each object of derivative class will act in different ways. The following flow chart shows how this code works.


This is a common trick in C++ based on polymorphism. We could initialize an object with sub-class but assign it to a base class pointer. As the functions in base class are virtual, the function point in virtual function table will updated to the implementation in subclass.

So far so good, right. LSP seems applied properly. But I found a big mistake about SRP when I try to update the code. Which part violates SRP? Let us first understand what I want to update with the original architecture.

As my previous structure tries to do everything in one executable, it becomes very vulnerable, or buggy Sad smile. So I want to add a simple function that could resume the previous downloading. It seems simple but it is not. Because the tasks does not follow SRP. Let us first examine what happened inside a task object from its creation to release.


Can you find which part is worry? Right, the file system and URL interface is only a variable of the task objects. When I want to recover the downloading, the program may not need to download the page, but directly start the parsing. But based on the above sequence, the tasks are initialized by other tasks during parsing; parsing begins after download is finished; we want to recover and omit the download step… Now, you see the dead loop right. If we add more if-else, the original code may work, but not elegant.

Another part looking ugly is the URL interface. As the relative paths need to be translated into global, we not only need its parent object, but also modify the format. For example, the hierarchy of a website is as follows:

Each task object need to perform modification respectively. If I put the modification in tasks, it is easier and straight forward, but the code is hard to maintain. Imagine such a situation, all the levels of URL are updated and what shall we do? Update all relevant code in each subclass of BaseTask? What if we have 100 different tasks? It is not possible… The pObject in also lost its meaning of existence. As SRP says, we should put one responsibility in one object! We should put all URLs and paths task in pObject. The following diagram shows what the code should look like.


My previous design of the tasks looks like the left diagram. When the URLs input to task, there are more than one object could modify it. So it undermined the scalability of the code. The right hand diagram shows a design that keeps both scalability and the same functionalities. You feel familiar with the right hand side diagram. Because it likes the responsibility chain pattern, from some point of view. If any parts updated, you could just plugin another object to filter the input, and isolate the changes to the other component.

I have written so much. As I am also a green hand of this topic, some mistakes and errors may occur. If you found any, or just want to share your idea, please leave me a comment or directly email me.

Have fun!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


  单一职责原则SRP:Single Responsibility Principle
  开放封闭原则OCP:Open-Close Principle
  Liskov替换原则LSP:Liskov Substitution Principle
  依赖倒置原则DIP:Dependency Invertion Principle
  接口隔离原则ISP:Interface Separate Principle
1. 开闭原则(the Open Closed Principle OCP)
2. 替换原则 (the Liskov Substitution Principle LSP)
  子类应当可以替换父类并出现在父类能够出现的任何地方。这个原则是Liskov于1987年提出的设计原则。它同样可以从Bertrand Meyer 的DBC (Design by Contract) 的概念推出。
3. 依赖原则 (the Dependency Inversion Principle DIP)
4. 接口分离原则(the Interface Segregation Principle ISP)

Monday, June 4, 2012

How to define a function pointer to a member function of an object

Pointer to non-static member function.
As the member functions depend on object, the point of a non-static function is actually an offset.
   1:  class A

   2:  {

   3:      int _val;

   4:      int val();

   5:  };


   7:  int (A::*p_val) = &A::_val;

   8:  int ( A::*p_func )() = &A::val;

Pointer to static member function. As static function of a class does not depend on any object of that class, the pointer is the same as the one in C.

   1:  class A
   2:  {
   3:      static int _val;
   4:      static int val();
   5:  };
   7:  int *p_val = &A::_val;
   8:  int (*p_func) = &A::val;

Advantages: 1. easy to call; 2. callback function

A complete example:

   1:  #include <iostream>
   2:  #include <string>
   3:  using namespace std;
   5:  typedef void (*funchandler)();
   7:  void register_func(funchandler f)
   8:  {
   9:      cout << "register_func" << endl;
  10:      (*f)();
  11:  }
  13:  class A
  14:  {
  15:  public:
  16:      A() : _val( 0 ) { cout << "create A..." << endl; }
  17:      void test() { cout << "test..." << endl; }
  18:      void test1() { cout << "test1..." << endl; }
  19:      void test2() { cout << "test2..." << endl; }
  20:      int val() { return _val; }
  21:      static void test3() { cout << "test3..." << endl; }
  22:      int _val;
  23:  private:
  24:  };
  26:  int main()
  27:  {
  28:      A a;
  29:      int ( A::*p_val ) = 0;
  30:      p_val = &A::_val;
  31:      cout << "a.*p_val: " << a.*p_val << endl;
  33:      void (A::*p_func)();
  34:      p_func = &A::test;
  36:      a.test();
  37:      (a.*p_func)();
  39:      p_func = &A::test1;
  40:      ( a.*p_func )();
  41:      p_func = &A::test2;
  42:      ( a.*p_func )();
  44:      void (* pp_func)();
  45:      pp_func = &A::test3;
  46:      (*pp_func)();
  48:      register_func( pp_func );
  49:      return 0;
  50:  }

Friday, June 1, 2012

Programming with PowerShell, or not?

As working on a project which needs to execute some code for a long time. It is very difficult for me to make the code totally bug free. Two problems bothered me for a long time… one is memory leak, and the other one is the unreleased system resources, such as socket and thread. I spent few days on debugging and evaluation, but I found it is really hard for me, a graduate student who has to work on a ill implemented codebase and has no knowledge about software testing, to make it perfect. So I decide to split the tasks into groups, and use a shell script to call my C++ code. Then terminate the program before his crash and initialize another one.
One possible solution is PowerShell, which is very powerful on Windows. I wrote the following code:
   1:  # checks the number of inputs and only accepts one input
   2:  if( $args.Count -ne 1 )
   3:  {
   4:  # print usage information
   5:      Write-Host "Usage:" $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name "path"
   6:  # exit
   7:      exit
   8:  }
   9:  # the first input is the path to the targeting directory
  10:  $directory = $args[0]
  11:  # find the number of sub-directories 
  12:  $folders = Get-ChildItem $directory;
  13:  Write-Host $folders
  14:  # a fixed step size, which is 10
  15:  $step = 10
  16:  # checks all the sub-folders, such as 10 to 10+10, or 30 to 30+10
  17:  for($from=0; $from -lt $folders.Count; $from=$from+$step)
  18:  {
  19:      $to = $to+$step
  20:  # call my code and pass the parameters
  21:      ./WebSpider.exe $directory 2000 1 $from $to
  22:  }

When I want to run the script, there is an error popped up, which says the script file cannot be load because the execution of script is disabled. WTF… Are you guys at Microsoft kidding me?! You implemented a shell interface, but disabled it to users?! You need administrator authority to enable it by the following command, otherwise, you cannot run scripts with PowerShell.
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
You could start power shell as above to enable script executions without administrator authority.

The students, like me, do not have administrator authority on the desktops in the lab. So I cannot use the scripted…

Finally, I decide to rewrite a batch version instead.

   1:  @echo off
   2:  IF "%1"=="" goto stop
   3:  set path=%1
   4:  echo %1%
   5:  set start=0
   6:  set step=10
   7:  rem count the number of folders
   8:  setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
   9:  set /a count=0
  10:  for /d %%d in (%path%*) do (
  11:  set  /a count+=1
  12:  rem @echo !count!. %%d 
  13:  )
  14:  set /a end=%count%
  15:  ECHO Folder %end%
  16:  :loop
  17:  if %start% GTR %end% goto stop
  18:  set /a cur = %start%+%step%
  20:  rem echo from %start% to %cur%
  21:  rem run the code
  22:  WebSpider.exe 2000 1 %start% %step% %1%
  24:  set /a start = %cur%
  25:  goto loop
  26:  :stop
  27:  rem 

I used to admit PowerShell very much, for its integration with DotNet and extendable command-let. However, I just cannot understand why Microsoft disables his own product by default?! You may argue that the users on Windows may make mistake and … It does not make any scene, either. If a shell interface cannot run script, can you find any other functionalities we need, from a shell?!


by 郭小川, 1940年5月4日陕北绥德 




