Thursday, March 12, 2009

starting up

Yesterday, we, especially GXJ, a forerunner in Computer Vision Lab(CVL) at TianJin University, finished and submitted the paper, MIFT, to ICCV 2009. Since Dec. 20, 2008 I joint CVL, I have spent a lot of strength on it. Although I am not the one who initials the idea and writes the prototype, I believe that I am one part of the paper and hope it can be accepted.
Today, a bad news comes from ICME, another paper written by GXJ was rejected by the committee. GXJ told me this news with smile and said that now we can not travel abroad, because ACM will hold in Beijing and ACCV in Xi`an. I said MIFT may be accepted by ICCV. He laughed and said I believe MIFT will be accepted, however, more respectance, more disapointment, right?
Perhaps, he is right. Now, we are going to work on 3-D Daisy and action recognition. Our target is ACM multimedia 2009. I think that would be a very big challenge. I hope I can meet it quitely. So, it is also the reason why I open this blog, I want to record the route in the coming days, how to fight and enjoy it.
Good luck.

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